Monday, January 29
Where do we find ourselves?
My premedical postbac applications are about complete, Vanessa & I had an awesome run around the country, I've enjoyed a few relaxing days in Tel Aviv and Yaffo. Yet things feel... unfulfilled?
You probably have ready that, yesterday, Israel suffered its first suicide bombing attack in months and months. It happened in Eilat, a resort town lodged on Israel's Red Sea coast, killing three plus the bomber. This bombing was Eilat's first, and local authorities issued a high alert. Some friends and I were planning to drive down to Eilat for a week starting tomorrow. So now I'm mulling over alternatives.
My ambulance tour with Magen David Adom starts in a couple of weeks. Understandably, they want me to learn the Hebrew words for things like "tongue" and "liver." Less understandably, they also include "Do you feel wetness?" on the to-know list. No idea where I'll be posted yet. They could place me in Jerusalem, Haifa, Ashkelon, Bethlehem... MDA likes to hide this stuff until training. I can't remember which cities I requested when I enlisted in this program last year, so I figure I'm in for a surprise.
I can't believe I'm flying home in two short months. SEVEN month out of NINE -- Done. Any friends reading this, you'll be welcome to crash @ V's and my place in DC come April. Just give me advanced notice, if you can.
There are lots of photos to post, but I'm working off a buddy's machine. Look forward to some pretty sights after I settle in with MDA in mid-February.
I have no revelations, insights or dreams to share today. Just a sense of waiting. The next and last step of this journey is almost here, and after that... I'm home, with plenty still to sort out.